Leadership Development
The Leadership Development Ministry exists to assist the ordained leaders of Transylvania Presbytery in their pursuit of continuing education. We will support them as they strive to meet their goals of personal and professional development, and to strengthen the communities they serve. Watch this space for educational opportunities, or contact the presbytery office if you have suggestions for supportive learning events.
Presbytery of Transylvania
PO Box 23580
Lexington, KY 40523
Phone: 859-264-8867
New preaching course for lay pastors
Are you interested in pursuing a commission as a lay pastor, or do you know someone who might want to consider this call? Our new preaching course has begun. We had two fantastic instructors: The Reverend Mary Weese has been pastor of Midway Presbyterian since 2007; The Reverend Stephen Fearing has been pastor of Beaumont Presbyterian (Lexington) since 2018. Both are known in the presbytery for their preaching, their energy, their community involvement, among many other gifts.
We met by Zoom from 9am-11am on these Saturdays:
- Saturday, February 12
- Saturday, February 19
- Saturday, March 5
- Saturday, March 12
The class sessions were recorded in case you missed one or wish to review them.
Please contact Melissa Bane Sevier if you want more information.
If you haven’t completed Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training in the last three years, it is time for you to renew or to take it for the first time. Because meeting for the training has been unwieldy for many, the Leadership Development Ministry has determined that we will begin using online training through Wesley Theological Seminary, Lewis Center for Church Leadership. The cost is $49. You have 60 days to complete the training once you register and begin; you may go in and out, saving your work each time. After your completion, it will be reviewed and if approved, your certificate of completion will be emailed to you. Learn more about the course.
Questions? Contact Sarah Wilson, chair of the Leadership Development Ministry.
Healthy Boundaries Trainings
Healthy Boundaries trainings will be offered in person and by Zoom in 2024! The dates may shift according to need, but we will establish the time and location (for in-person) for each meeting as participants sign up.
Our new policy for boundary trainings was approved at the November 2023 presbytery meeting, and renewals are now on a three-year cycle rather than the previous five-year cycle. The policy also requires training for folks new to the presbytery in the last year. So, if your last training was in 2020 or earlier, or you have recently come to Transylvania Presbytery, this is your year to renew.
If you are unsure when your last training was, have questions about the trainings, or want to go ahead and register for one of the dates, please contact Sarah Wilson.
Youth Ministry
- Chair: Hannah McIntyre
- Upcoming Events: Presbytery Summer Camp at Burnamwood
The Youth Leadership Ministry of Transylvania Presbytery exists to foster the leadership opportunities and abilities of youth within the presbytery and host events that foster relationships and community amongst the youth of the presbytery. The Youth Leadership Ministry will be comprised of youth and the willing college, adult, elder or lay people who will facilitate the growth, leadership, decision making, and gathering of the youth.
The Youth Leadership Ministry seeks to:
- Develop events programs specifically designed to gather youth from the churches of the presbytery. We will strive to upbuild relationships amongst the youth from all churches of the presbytery, building relationships with pastors and lay people doing youth ministry throughout the presbytery. We will strive to be creative, genuine, and balanced in our approach to providing events and programs for all youth of the presbytery equally.
- Foster leadership opportunities and abilities for youth of the presbytery. The inner organization of the Youth Leadership Ministry will be designed to give youth the decision-making power about events and programming of the ministry. We will strive to teach youth about leadership, identity, and discernment through mentorship and specific education. The Youth Leadership Ministry will also uplift youth for leadership positions within the wider presbytery and denomination.
- Encourage college-age and adult youth leaders across the presbytery. The members of the Youth Leadership Ministry will be intergenerational and diverse from within the presbytery. We hope to further foster the enthusiasm youth develop for church leadership by making room for them when they are college-aged and young adults mentor and facilitate youth as they once were.
- Promote wider denominational youth events. The opportunity to attend larger denominational youth events is invaluable for all youth. We will strive to make access to denominational events easier and more equitable by incorporating them into our event and programming calendar and fostering education and excitement for them throughout the presbytery.
- Chair: Sarah Wilson, Ruling Elder, Commissioned Pastor, Eastminster Presbyterian Church
- Vice Chair: Hannah McIntyre, Teaching Elder, Pisgah Presbyterian Church, Versailles