Coordinating Commission (CC)

The Coordinating Commission (CC) shall set forth the Presbytery’s mission directions, goals, objectives and priorities as it is guided by the Presbytery’s Mission Statement, shall regularly review the Presbytery’s Mission Statement, and, together with all Commissions and Ministries of the Presbytery, shall be responsible for coordinating the work of the Presbytery between its meetings and for ensuring that the decisions made by the Presbytery are carried out.

A. The CC shall appoint special Commissions, Ministries, Committees or Task Groups as instructed by the Presbytery, as outlined in the Book of Order, or as it deems necessary for the work of the Presbytery.

B. The CC shall review periodically covenant relationships with other governing bodies and agencies, including the Boards of Uspiritus and Presbyterian Homes and Services, making recommendations to the Presbytery.

C. The CC may grant approval for the celebration of the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper at Presbytery related events.

D. The CC shall nominate to the Presbytery persons to serve on the Commission on Representation.

E. The CC shall suggest changes to the Manual of Operations, for approval by the Presbytery at its next stated or called meeting.

F. The CC shall assume other duties as may be assigned to it by the Presbytery.

Presbytery of Transylvania

PO Box 23580
Lexington, KY 40523
Phone: 859-264-8867

Resources & Documents

Bylaws of the Presbytery of Transylvania

Manual of Operations

  • Linda Kurtz, Vice-Moderator, Teaching Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Lexington
  • Kathy Fish, Ruling Elder, Corbin Presbyterian Church
  • Lois Gaines, Ruling Elder, Versailles Presbyterian Church
  • John Leggett, Past Moderator, Teaching Elder, Second Presbyterian Church, Lexington
  • Andrew Wood, Ruling Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Maysville
  • David Whiteman, Moderator, Ruling Elder, First Presbyterian Church, Winchester
  • Melissa Sevier, Teaching Elder, Retired
  • Martin Carver, Teaching Elder, Hunter Presbyterian Church, Lexington
  • Jennifer Johnson, Teaching Elder, Validated Ministry