
Administration Commission

The Administrative Commission oversees many aspects of the life of the Presbytery. Specifically they act as the Trustees of the Presbytery, have responsibility for Accounting and Budgeting and manage the Presbytery staff. The Treasurer of the Presbytery shall serve as an advisory member with voice and without voice.

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Closing Commission

The Closing Commission shall counsel with congregations that have indicated their desire to end their relationship with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) or those that have reached the completion of their effective ministry. This commission shall receive referrals from the Presbytery, the Commission on Congregational Issues or the Coordinating Commission. This commission shall determine a course of action, either division, dismissal, or dissolution, negotiate the terms of such action, and recommend it to the Approved by Presbytery of Transylvania on November 12, 2016 to be effective March 30, 2017, Updated by Presbytery August 12, 2017, March 13, 2018, December 7, 2019. Presbytery for final approval. Such negotiations include consultation with the Administrative (Trustees) Commission.

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Commission on Preparation for Ministry (CPM)

In accordance with G-3.0307, the Presbytery designates a Commission on Preparation for Ministry (CPM) that shall be composed of twelve members.The Commission shall fulfill the functions related to the process of preparation of ordination as Teaching Elder as set forth in G-2.06 and shall provide for the training and nurture of Ruling Elders who apply to become Commissioned Lay Pastors (CLPs).

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Commission on Representation (COR)

The COR shall be composed of six members who shall be nominated by the Coordinating Commission & elected by the Presbytery.It is tasked to an intentional purpose: to ensure the church’s commitment to inclusiveness and the principles of unity and diversity (per G-3.0103).

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Congregational Issues Commission

The Congregational Issues Commission will work with congregations that need assistance in dealing with concerns related to congregational life that are not only conflict situations, but for which outside consultation might be helpful. This commission will work closely with the Leadership Development Ministry to help focus resources on congregational health and vitality.

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Coordinating Commission

The Coordinating Commission (CC) shall set forth the Presbytery’s mission directions, goals, objectives and priorities as it is guided by the Presbytery’s Mission Statement, shall regularly review the Presbytery’s Mission Statement, and, together with all Commissions and Ministries of the Presbytery, shall be responsible for coordinating the work of the Presbytery between its meetings and for ensuring that the decisions made by the Presbytery are carried out.

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Pastoral Transitions Commission

The Pastoral Transitions Commission will shepherd a congregation from the moment a Pastoral leader decides to leave, is removed from office or retires until a new leader is formally installed. This commission is responsible for working with the Session to determine the best course of action for a congregation searching for new, permanent leadership, including all the various steps of the PNC process including examining and receiving the new teaching elder/CRE, approving any Interim contracts and new terms of call. The Commission will also work on a suggested Installation Commission for the newly called Pastor.

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Presbytery of Transylvania

PO Box 23580
Lexington, KY 40523
Phone: 859-264-8867