Clerks of Session
From the Stated Clerk
Greetings in the Lord.
It’s time once again to gather annual statistical information. Here is the link to the portal to enter statistics in the GA’s database.
I encourage you to complete your report and enter it as soon as possible. The deadline for all submissions is February 15, 2024. The presbytery collects additional information for churches and local staff in addition to the statistical reports. Please complete the following forms and return to
- Information Needed by the Presbytery
- Annual Administrative Review
- Compensation Type Transylvania–Fillable
A gentle reminder that statistical information is required of all churches (Book of Order G-3.0202f). The higher councils of our church use statistical information to determine representation, set per capita ratios, etc. Thank you in advance for attending to this important shared responsibility.
If your session has elected a new clerk, please forward this information to them and update the presbytery office with name and contact information.
If you have any questions, please contact me at or 859-264-8867. Robyn and I are willing to assist you if you need help. Thank you again, and God’s blessings in the New Year.
The Rev. Jerry L. Utt, II